Mother Elephant Gives Up on a Twin to Save the Other from Lions (VIDEO)
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Jhon Doe
- October, 2022A weak and thirsty mother elephant with her newborn twins is forced to drink right next to a pride of lions. The lions go in for the hunt, but the mother doesn’t give up without a fight. She didn't abandon none. She went to save him too and didn't give up. It's sad but she shouldn't have chased the lions. Poor mom and baby elephant. As a mother id die for mine. This is nature. This is how nature works. This pride could easily have been starving for days and been desperate to eat a proper meal, even if they were already eating a young buffalo (that surely wouldn't have been enough for six adult/close to adult lions. Like it says in the description of the video "In the wild, every day is a fight for survival". Had the people scared off the pride, the lions might have starved and become weaker and the babies might have lived longer. Perhaps there was cubs hiding nearby that needed food as well. Perhaps the lionesses were pregnant and needed the sustenance for the growing cubs.